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Objective is a task you can work towards in a vault to earn additional loot. Completing the objective will reward you with a completion crate when you leave the vault.

Elixir Rush


The Elixir objective requires players to gather a specific amount of elixir by looting chests, killing mobs, or mining ores. Once enough elixir is collected, you must consume a lodestone to complete the vault.

If multiple players are in the vault, each player must fill their elixir bar before anyone can consume a lodestone. Any excess elixir collected by a player with a full elixir bar will be transferred to another player's bar.

Elixir Rush will randomly appear at lvl 0+ and can be forced by using a Seal of the Sage in the Crystal Workbench.

Light The Braziers

The Light the Brazier objective requires you to find braziers and light them. These braziers will have positive and negative effects attached to them so choose carefully. After you have lit all the braziers you can choose to leave through the vault portal or pillage more braziers for additional loot!

Light The Braziers will randomly appear at lvl 10+ and can be forced by using a Seal of the Scout in the Crystal Workbench.

Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger objective requires you to find a certain list of items displayed at the top of your screen. You can see where you would get the items from by looking at the icons under the items, Once you have collected all items deposit them into a scavenger altar!

Scavenger Hunt will randomly appear at lvl 20+ and can be forced by using a Seal of the Hunter in the Crystal Workbench.

Hunt The Guardians

In Hunt the Guardians your objective is to find obelisks and activate them. Once activated they spawn guardians that you need to defeat. After clearing all obelisks the vault will automatically end!

Hunt the Guardians will randomly appear at lvl 40+ and can be forced by using a Seal of the Executioner in the Crystal Workbench.


The Bingo objective requires you to execute tasks on the bingo board and try to get a line completed. The rewards for this objective scale with the amount of lines completed.

Bingo objective modifiers
Modifer Explanation
Rapidly Perform the task very quickly or it will reset. For example: Rapidly loot 10 wooden chests in 6 seconds
Flawlessly Perform the task without taking any damage(including poison and fall damage)
Silently Deal no damage to any mobs whilst performing the task
Primitively Do not use any mana whilst performing the task
Combo Perform a series of task within a timeframe, when you complete the first task it will change to the next

Bingo will randomly appear at lvl 50+ and can be forced by using a Seal of the Prophet in the Crystal Workbench.

Find The Cakes