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Power is a Research category dealing with generating and transferring power. The scaling cost for this category is 6 additional knowledge points for each unlocked research in the category.

Iron Generators

Iron Generators unlocks a set of furnaces that burn fuel and produce power. The iron level generator is unlocked without this research and serves as the first available power source, in addition to unlocking the Iron Generators mod, it also unlocks the Generator upgrade from Iron Furnaces to be used to generate FE.

Iron Generators costs 1 knowledge point to unlock.


Powah unlocks a variety of generators, power transportation, and power storage of various tiers.

Powah has wired and cross-dimensional power transportation with Energy Cables, Ender Cells, and Ender Gates. Ender Cells require a battery or Energy Cell be placed inside a channel in order for it to function, and Ender Gates require a configured channel from an Ender Cell.

A faucet from the mod Supplementaries is open on top of a Thermo generator facing into a water source block.
An automated Thermo Generator
Generator Requirements
Furnator Burns furnace fuel
Magmator Consumes lava
Thermo Generator Consumes water, needs a heat source underneath
Solar Panel Requires sky overhead, only works in daylight
Reactor Consumes Uranite, optionally consumes redstone, coolant, and water.

Of note are Thermo Generators, these can be easily automated with a faucet from the Supplementaries mod.

Hellfirem4ge has a Vault Hunters Specific guide for Powah. However, the player transmitter he discusses towards the end is disabled in the current version of the modpack.

Powah costs 5 knowledge points to unlock.

Flux Networks

Flux Networks do not produce power, but have cross dimensional power transportation and can charge items in the player's inventory.

Flux Networks costs 2 research points to unlock.

Thermal Dynamos

Thermal Dynamos unlocks a set of furnaces that burn various fuels to produce power. The furnaces burn liquid fuels from the mod, enchanted items, food, gems and crystals, lava, coins from the mod, and furnace fuels.

Thermal Dynamos costs 2 knowledge points to unlock and requires Thermal Expansion to be unlocked

Mekanism Generators

Mekanism unlocks a variety of generators, power transportation, and power storage of various tiers. Mekanism produces by far the most power per generator, though only other Mekanism blocks typically use that amount of power.

Mekanism has wired and cross-dimensional power transportation with Universal Cables and Quantum Entangloporters.

Generator Requirements
Heat Generator Converts heat to power
Solar Generator Requires sky overhead, only works in daylight
Gas Burning Generator Consumes Ethylene gas
Bio Generator Consumes Bio Fuel
Advanced Solar Generator Requires sky overhead, only works in daylight
Wind Generator Produces power based on its elevation
Fission Reactor Consumes radioactive fuel, can explode and contaminate large areas
Fusion Reactor Consumes water and D-T fuel, requires fission byproducts to build

Of note are the Gas Burning Generator, Fission Reactor, and Fusion Reactor. The Gas Burning Generator can be automated easily and produces up to 69k rf/tick. The Fission Generator is required to build and fuel several endgame Mekanism machines. The Fusion Generator produces the maximum amount of power in the modpack.

Mekanism Generators costs 8 knowledge points to unlock and requires Mekanism to be unlocked.

Botania Flux Field

Botania Flux Field unlocks the Mana Fluxfield, a block that converts Botania mana into power.

Botania Flux Field requires 2 knowledge points to unlock and requires Botania to be unlocked.