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Details gamerules and commands added in vault hunters.


List of Gamerules Added by Vault Hunters
Rule Name Description Default Value Type
finalVaultAllowParty Whether the final vault should allow more than one person to join true Bool
vaultAllowWaypoints Whether waypoints can be used in the vault true Bool
vaultBoostPenalty Whether or not a player should get reduced experience (and maybe loot I don't remember) in lower level vaults false Bool
vaultCrystalMode Determines which scaler to use for altar ingredients

NORMAL - Normal Scaling (1.0x multiplier)
INFINITY - No resources required (free crystals)
GRINDY - 3.0x Multiplier
EXTREME - 10.0x Multiplier



vaultHeraldMinLevel Controls the minimum level a player must be to enter the final vault 100 Int
vaultJoinRequireParty Whether a player must be in a party with the owner of the vault to join true Bool
vaultLoot Determines loot scaling inside vaults (ores are unaffected)

LEGACY - 0.5x Multiplier
NORMAL - Normal loot (1.0x multiplier)
PLENTY - 2.0x multiplier
EXTREME - 3.0x multiplier



vaultMode Determines game behavior should you die in a vault

NORMAL - Loose items, a ghost is spawned
CASUAL - Items are not lost, but recieve a durrability penalty and no experience is gained
HARDCORE - Your world is deleted



vaultNoOpDifficulty Alllows players without operator privelages to set their local difficulty. If this is set to false, an operator can still set local difficulties for non-op players true Bool
vaultNoResearchTeamPenalty When true, removes the increased research points required to purchase a research while in a research team false Bool
vaultPrintSaveDataTiming Whether or not to print save data timing false Bool
vaultTemplateCacheSize Set the Template Cache Size 16 Int
questExpertMode Sets quest expert mode, removing the need to unlock quests false Bool

Vault Commands

These commands are accessible through the /the_vault command

Command Description
ability reset_specializations Does nothing (LEGACY)
alias <from> <to>
altar reset Resets your vault altar recipe
bounty reroll Rerolls your bounties
crystal addModifier <modifier> <stackSize> Adds modifier to held vault crystal
crystal clearObjective Resets objective of held vault crystal
crystal setExhausted <unmodifiable> Makes crystal unmodifiable/modifiable (true/false)
crystal setInstability <instability>
crystal setLevel <level> Sets level of held vault crystal
crystal setObjective <objective> Sets crystal objective.
Valid objectives: elixir, monolith, scavenger, boss, bingo, cake, herald, ascension, paradox
crystal setParadoxCooldown <timeoutSeconds> Sets cooldown of a crystal with paradox:run objective
crystal setRandomModifiers <random> If random is true you can get random modifier when entering vault.
crystal setUnmodifiable <unmodifiable> Makes crystal unmodifiable/modifiable (true/false)
crystal setVolume <volume> Sets crystal capacity.
debug add_ability_level_prefix <ability> <levelChange>
debug altar_level get
debug altar_level set <level>
debug apply_etching <etching>
debug corrupt_gear
debug damage_all_gear <damageAmount>
debug debug_events
debug dev_world
debug dump_blockstate <block_pos>
debug dump_configs
debug dump_item_nbt
debug expertise reset_all <player>
debug expertise world_reset
debug generate_loot <id> <quantity> <rarity> <count>
debug give_all_etchings
debug give_all_trinkets
debug insert_loot <pos> <id>
debug make_legendary
debug prompt_vault_stats
debug reputation <god> <count>
debug reset_proficiencies
debug scan_inventory
debug vault_kick <player>
difficulty <difficulty>
eternal list <playerId>
eternal remove <uuid>
eternal set <uuid>
gear_debug addModifier
gear_debug pack
gear_debug removeModifier
gear_debug rerollAll
gear_debug rerollWithTag <tag>
gear_debug rollType <rollType>
gear_debug setLevel <level>
gear_debug unpack
give_loot crate <crateType> <level>
give_loot crate <crateType> <level> <player>
give_loot final_vault_frame <ownerUUID> <ownerNickname>
give_loot loot_statue <name>
give_loot paxel <enhancementId>
give_loot record_box
give_loot record_trophy <year> <week>
give_loot set_gear_name <name>
give_loot vault_doll <playerIGN>
internal remove_research <player> <research>
internal reset_black_market <player>
internal reset_black_markets
local_difficulty <player>
local_difficulty <player> <difficulty>
magnet <perk>
model_debug all_armor_pieces <model>
model_debug boots <model>
model_debug chestplate <model>
model_debug discover_all
model_debug helmet <model>
model_debug leggings <model>
model_debug undiscover_all
open_snapshot open <target> <asPlayer>
open_snapshot send <target>
points_reset <type>
quests debug <enabled>
quests progress <amount>
quests reset
reloadcfg gen
research_team accept_invite <inviter>
research_team invite <target>
research_team leave
research_team list
reset abilities_and_talents
reset all
reset expertises
reset level
reset level_abilities_talents_and_expertises
reset research
say <sender> <message>
snapshot arena create
snapshot arena restore
snapshot death list <playerIGN>
snapshot death restore <playerIGN> <timestamp>
snapshot death restore <playerIGN> <timestamp> <restoreToPlayer>
snapshot vaultJoin list <playerIGN>
snapshot vaultJoin restore <playerIGN> <timestamp>
snapshot vaultJoin restore <playerIGN> <timestamp> <restoreToPlayer>
spirit summon <playerIGN> <vaultLevel>
spirit summon <playerIGN> <vaultLevel> <addCurrentPlayersItems>
vault_level add_exp <exp>
vault_level add_expertise_points <amount>
vault_level add_expertise_points <amount> <player>
vault_level add_skill_points <amount>
vault_level get <player>
vault_level set_level <level>
vault_level set_rep <level> <god>

Party commands

These commands are accessible through the /party command

Command Description
accept_invite <player> Accept invite from player.
create Create vault party.
disband Disband vault party.
invite <player> Invite player to your party. If you're not in a party, new party will be created.
leave Leave current party.
list List all players in your party.
remove <player> Remove player from your party.