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Trinkets are powerful items that can be equipped in your curio slot.

They have limited number of charges and they will use up one charge every time you enter a vault with one equipped. They can't be unequipped inside the vault.

There is an expertise Trinketer that gives you a chance to not consume a trinket charge when you enter a vault.

Trinkets come in 2 colors and you can only equip one of each color.

Blue trinkets give you unique ability.

Red trinkets enhance stats.

Obtaining trinkets

You can get unidentified trinket in ornate chests and completion crates. You have higher chance to get new trinket compared to a trinket you've already discovered.

After you discover trinket, you will be always able to craft the same trinket in the Vault Forge. Crafted trinket will always have 12 uses, while a looted trinket will have 20-30 uses.

You can scrap unwanted trinkets in the Vault Recycler to get more trinket scrap for trinket crafting. More uses left will increase the chance of getting a trinket scrap.

List of blue trinkets
Item Effect
The vault-trinket-carapace.png Carapace Immunity for Poison, Slowness, Mining Fatigue and Fire
The vault-trinket-elvish air.png Elvish Air Nullifies all fall damage
The vault-trinket-ender anchor.png Ender Anchor Items automatically teleport to you if in range of your Magnet
The vault-trinket-gluttony pedant.png Gluttony Pendant Grants the abillity to insta-eat
The vault-trinket-treasure goggles.png Treasure Goggles Grants vision of chests/coin piles with their colors in a 16 block radius
The vault-trinket-portable cat.png Portable Cat Nullifies Explosion Damage + 75% to dodge projectiles
The vault-trinket-prismatic feather.png Prismatic Feather Grants Triple Jump
The vault-trinket-slimey.png Slimey Allows wall-climbing and grants immunity to kinetick damage
The vault-trinket-stone of jordan.png Stone of Jordan +1 to all learned abilities
The vault-trinket-the frog.png The Frog Allows to insta-climb blocks
The vault-trinket-velaras petal.png Velara's Petal +1 Regeneration
The vault-trinket-wendarrs hourglass.png Wendarr's Hourglass Boosts the fruit time added by 50%
The vault-trinket-wings.png Wings Grants the player elytra wings
List of red trinkets
Item Effect
The vault-trinket-chromatic powder.png Chromatic Powder -50% durability damage
The vault-trinket-clover.png Clover Increases Lucky Hit chance by 25% of your total Lucky Hit
The vault-trinket-crystal ball.png Crystal Ball +100% Mana
The vault-trinket-cufflings.png Cufflings +50% of total Cooldown Reduction
The vault-trinket-giants heart.png Giant's Heart +25% Max Health
The vault-trinket-golden burger.png Golden Burger +100% Vault Experience gained
The vault-trinket-idonas pendant.png Idona's Pendant +100% of total Soul Chance
The vault-trinket-phylactery.png Phylactery Increases Mana Regeneration by 50% of your total
The vault-trinket-picture of a lucky goose.png Picture of a Lucky Goose +50% Item Rarity
The vault-trinket-spellbook.png Spellbook +50% of total Ability Power
The vault-trinket-tenos necklace.png Tenos Necklace +25% Item Quantity